(1) 政府方針によって日本への渡航が制限された方へのキャンセル対応
(2) 海外からの来日後すぐ、帰国後すぐのご入居人ついて
- ゲストの伴うパーティの自粛を要請します。
- 入居者のゲスト入室の自粛(業者・内覧希望者・引越し作業での第三者入室などやむおえない場合を除く)を要請します。
- 海外からハウスに戻られる入居者様におきましても、原則弊社シェアハウスではなく別の場所で2週間の一時待機などを要請させていただきます。
- 共用部におけるマスク着用のお願い
- 風邪症状(咳や37.5℃以上の発熱等の諸症状)がある入居者、その家族等、身近に感染者または濃厚接触者と認定された方がいる場合は、その旨を当社に報告していただき、感染の疑いがある場合はシェアハウス以外の滞在先へ移動をお願い致します。その間のシェアハウスの家賃は無料とさせていただきます。
- 見学に来られる皆様には、マスク着用のご協力をお願いしております。
- 海外から帰国された方は、帰国後2週間以上経ってからのハウス入室(見学・入居)をお願いいたします。
- 見学、入居当日に熱がある方は日程を変更して頂くことをお願いいたします。
Share House Nagoya (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) has taken the following measures to prevent the spread of new Covid-19 virus.
(1) For those whose travels to Japan is restricted due to government policies;
There will be no cancellation fee for those who have already booked our property and whose travels to Japan were restricted.
(2) For those who are arriving from overseas and or returning to Japan
We can offer you to stay in our apartment for 14 days to ensure everyone’s safety before moving into a share house.
(We cannot accept anyone into a share house until they have completed 14 days. / If there is no vacancy in the apartments, please secure a waiting place by yourself).
In that case, you will be required to pay the apartment’s daily rent, common service fee, and cleaning fee when you leave.
After the waiting period, if you have no symptoms of a fever or a cold, you will be directed to the originally reserved property.
* If an infection is confirmed, you may be charged for the disinfection and cleaning of the room. You will need to pay for the rent during the waiting period after the infection is confirmed.
* Please do not use public transportation such as trains, buses, taxis, etc. as per the government guidance when moving to the waiting area.
[Requests for residents]
- Please refrain for all parties and anything that has a large number of guests.
- We request that the resident please avoid bring guests into their rooms (except in cases where it is unavoidable, such as a contractor fixing something, a room viewing, or a moving company).
- Residents who have returned to the share house from abroad will, in principle, be asked to stay a two-week period at a different location instead of our share house.
- As much as is possible we ask that anyone use a wear masks in common areas.
- If there is a person or family member who has a cold symptom (symptoms such as coughing or fever of 37.5 ° C or higher), or if there is a person who has been identified as an infected person or a close contact person, you must report that fact to us. If you suspect yourself to have the virus, please move to a place other than the share house. In that case the rent of the share house in the will be free as long as you can prove where you are staying and your reason for staying there.
[Requests to all visitors]
Due to the worldwide outbreak of the new coronavirus, there is a request for those who wish to visit and move in.
In order to share life with multiple people at “Share House”, please cooperate as follows.
- We ask that everyone who comes to a house tour cooperate with wearing a mask.
- If you are returning from overseas, please wait for at least 2 weeks after returning to Japan before moving in and or house tours.
- If you have a fever on the day of the house tour or the day you move in, please change the schedule.
We will continue to prioritize ensuring the safety of all residents of our company and follow government policies.
We apologize for any inconvenience to our residents and related parties, but we ask for your understanding and cooperation.